Command line#


You may reach the tool either directly:


Or more simplier after environment have been activated:

source .venv/bin/activate


There is the base tool help:

project_composer -h

This list base options and available tasks.

Then each command have its own options you can see within its help:

project_composer [TASK] -h


Since application requirements are stored in simple text files, there is no need to implement any code to build composed requirement for a project. This command is able to collect applications requirements and to output composition or writing them to a file:

project_composer requirements

Obviously you will need a project manifest for composer configuration. If no manifest argument is given, the default behavior is to search for a file pyproject.toml in your current directory to get the composer manifest.

Finally, many manifest options can be overriden from command argument, see help for more details.


This command have its own dedicated configuration defined as a manifest plugin, see the Manifest documentation for the Requirements plugin fields for more details.


Since application repository is something to be shared among many projects, it can contains a lot of applications that won’t never be used anymore when the project has reached a final stage.

For this purpose you may want to clean repository for unused applications. The purge command can help for this:

project_composer purge

This will scan repository for any application that is not enabled from manifest and remove it. This is definitive, so this command should be used with caution.