Source code for project_composer.exceptions

Specific application exceptions.

[docs]class ProjectComposerException(Exception): """ Exception base. You should never use it directly except for test purpose. Instead make or use a dedicated exception related to the error context. """ pass
[docs]class ComposerError(ProjectComposerException): """ Error occuring from a Composer class or inheriter. """ pass
[docs]class ComposerConfigError(ProjectComposerException): """ Error occuring from a BaseConfig class or inheriter. """ pass
[docs]class ComposerManifestError(ProjectComposerException): """ Error occuring from a manifest. """ pass
[docs]class ComposerAppStoreError(ProjectComposerException): """ Error occuring from Application store. """ pass
[docs]class ComposerProcessorError(ProjectComposerException): """ Error occuring from a processor. """ pass
[docs]class ComposerPurgeError(ComposerProcessorError): """ Error occuring when trying to purge an application repository. """ pass