Source code for project_composer.processors.text

import datetime

from pathlib import Path

from .base import ComposerProcessor
from ..exceptions import ComposerProcessorError

[docs]class TextContentProcessor(ComposerProcessor): """ Text content composer assemble all text content files from enabled Applications. Although it has been done as a generic solution for any content files, this is currently tied to specific ``requirements`` plugin from manifest. """
[docs] def get_template(self, template=None): """ Get the base content text used to build final content. Keyword Arguments: template (string or pathlib.Path): Path to file of base content to start output. By default there is none. Returns: string: Base content. If no template has been given, an empty string is returned instead. """ if template: template = Path(template) return template.read_text() return ""
[docs] def export(self): """ Combinate all application content files into a single content string. Returns: string: Combinated content files. """ output = "" requirements_config = self.composer.manifest.requirements if requirements_config.introduction: output += requirements_config.introduction.format("seconds"), ) output += self.get_template(requirements_config.template) for node in self.composer.apps: # Try to find application module module_path = self.composer.get_module_path( module = self.composer.find_app_module(module_path) if module and getattr(module, "__file__", None): # Resolve expected text content file path inside module source_path = ( Path(module.__file__).parents[0].resolve() / requirements_config.source_filename ) # Try to find file from application to append its content to the output if source_path.exists(): msg = "{klass} found content file at: {path}".format( klass=self.__class__.__name__, path=source_path, ) self.composer.log.debug(msg) content = source_path.read_text() if content.strip(): if requirements_config.application_divider: output += requirements_config.application_divider if requirements_config.application_label: label = requirements_config.application_label output += label.format( output += content else: msg = "{klass} is unable to find content file from: {path}".format( klass=self.__class__.__name__, path=source_path, ) self.composer.log.debug(msg) return output
[docs] def dump(self, **kwargs): """ Write export payload to a dump file. Arguments: destination (pathlib.Path): Path object for the dump file destination. Returns: pathlib.Path: The Path object where the file has been writed. """ destination = kwargs.get("destination") if not destination: raise ComposerProcessorError("Keyword argument 'destination' is required") output = self.export() destination.write_text(output) return destination
[docs] def check(self, printer=print): """ Debugging check what this processor should find or match. """ printer() printer("🧵 Processor '{}'".format(self.__class__.__name__)) app_last = len(self.composer.apps) for i, node in enumerate(self.composer.apps, start=1): # Try to find application module module_path = self.composer.get_module_path( module = self.composer.find_app_module(module_path) # Display app label name printer( "X" if (i == app_last) else "T",, ) # Try to find app module file to get its path if module and getattr(module, "__file__", None): # Resolve expected text content file path inside module source_path = ( Path(module.__file__).parents[0].resolve() / self.composer.manifest.requirements.source_filename ) # Try to find a requirement file if source_path.exists(): content = source_path.read_text() # Lists package, omits possible commentaries pkgs = [ pkg for pkg in content.strip().splitlines() if not pkg.startswith("#") ] pkg_last = len(pkgs) # Display found package lines for p, pkg in enumerate(pkgs, start=1): printer( ( "O" if (i == app_last) else "I" ) + ( "X" if (p == pkg_last) else "T" ), pkg, ) # There was no requirement file else: printer( "OX" if (i == app_last) else "IX", "No requirement file", yes_or_no=False, ) return